​​ Counseling 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM M-F I  Groups 6PM-9PM | Phone: 816-272-5656 | Fax: 816-817-8820 | 24-hour emergency line: 816-207-8182



 EMDR is considered highly safe and effective and has been extensively researched to support a variety of problems and concerns. EMDR works to retrain how the brain processes information releasing emotional experiences trapped in the nervous system. 

Your therapist will work with you to identify disturbing life events that continue to impact your nervous system and use bilateral brain stimulation (think of watching a ping pong game) to wake up both sides of the brain so they work effectively together. Many of Psychpros staff are fully trained and credentialed through EMDRIA. 

The disturbing memories are reprocessed which allows the current painful/hurtful emotions to be exchanged for a more resolved/peaceful feelings.

Research shows that EMDR produces much quicker results in much shorter time than traditional talk therapy. Each persons treatment plan will vary in terms of how many EMDR sessions it requires to reach their goal. There are usually several sessions to prepare for EMDR depending on the persons current level of resiliency, coping skills, and support.